Project Overview
We were approached to assist on a project for KFC UK. They wanted to expand their work in the gaming industry and create a system where their UK employees could take part in esports events. The idea being that employees could compete against each other and win prizes depending on how they ranked. This wasn’t the first platform that we’d built however it was the first esports platform that we’d built.
The requirements followed a similar standard for a web platform, this includes your signup, login etc along with different types of user roles. One being an employee type role and the other being an admin role which would allow you to create and manage tournaments.
Once a tournament was created, other users would need to be able to see the tournament and they would have the chance to apply to take part. After the participants had been picked by an admin the system needed to randomly split the participants into 2’s so that they could compete in round 1.
Each round that took place presented an opportunity for the participants to enter the result of the match. The process would repeat until the number of players became less and less to eventually decide a winner.
We built the platform based on some design guidance from the client. We added in lots of settings so admin users had total control over the platform. This allowed them to maintain the system very well without ongoing support from us.
For the tournament feature the matches were displayed in a bracket style so you could visually see who had played who and who was on their way to the final. It came out really well.
This was a fun project that we thoroughly enjoyed working on.
October 2019
Platform Development